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SubscribeSome people with Crohn's disease can't tolerate gluten.
If you think you have a problem with gluten you'll want to check first to make sure you don't have celiac disease. <<link N4K celiac>>
You might want to have a skin test or IgE-blood test for wheat allergy at the same time
Once you have reviewed the results with your doctor, you can eliminate gluten (or wheat) from your diet for a month depending on what your results suggest to see if you do feel better.
You may also want to eliminate lactose in the beginning because you may have damage to the intestinal surface. The enzyme that digests lactose is located on the intestinal surface. If there is significant damage, your ability to digest lactose may be decreased.
If you remove gluten from your diet, make sure you have enough sources of the B vitamins in your diet . If you restrict lactose, make sure you are still getting enough vitamin D and calcium.
If you don't respond to eliminating gluten from your diet, you may need a broader elimination of foods. The best way to do that is possibly as FODMAP diet under the guidance of a qualified dietitian.
This article, as well as all others, was reviewed and edited by a member of our Medical Advisory Board.
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