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SubscribeMost of the Mesalamines are quite safe during pregnancy. These medicines, also known as 5- ASAs, are used for mild to moderate inflammatory bowel disease, particularly ulcerative colitis. Additionally, rectal mesalamines are used for disease near the bottom of the intestine and are safe as well.
However, some of these products, Asacol and Mesasal, contain dibutyl phthalate, to help them release in area of active disease. The problem is that these medicines with phthalate can cause serious damage for developing infants in the womb. While they are no longer available in the US, they are available elsewhere. As a precaution, physicians usually will switch the type of mesalamine prescribed. This is particularly important for the woman who is trying to conceive or who is in the first few months (the first trimester) of her pregnancy.
This article, as well as all others, was reviewed and edited by a member of our Medical Advisory Board.
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