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SubscribeMethotrexate is an effective medication for Crohn's disease and possibly for ulcerative colitis (it's being studied). But methotrexate has been shown to increase the risk of heart and vascular defects for developing infants (making them over 3 times more likely) and it increases the chance of having of a cleft palate or lip (over 2 1/2 times more likely). While the studies that show this increased likelihood were done on babies born to mothers who were on this medicine for rheumatoid arthritis, this presumed to be true for IBD also.
Because this medicine builds up in the system over time and takes a while to completely exit, the label for methotrexate suggests that women should stop taking it 3-12 months before they are pregnant. Those who find that they are pregnant while taking methotrexate should stop taking it and see their OB doctor for counseling regarding the pregnancy. Since methotrexate is used in patients who have moderate or severe IBD, they will probably need to transfer to another medicine, at least while pregnant.
This article, as well as all others, was reviewed and edited by a member of our Medical Advisory Board.
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