When people think about staying hydrated, they often just think of drinking lots of water, but that can be difficult for someone with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis when they're not feeling well or in a flare. It is still very important that we stay hydrated as our bodies depend on those fluids to keep us healthy.
7 Tips to Help you Stay Hydrated: :
- Take frequent small sips if you don't feel like guzzling large amounts
- Set a timer and drink whatever you can every hour or half-hour
- Drink the water at the temperature(s) you like. Add a cool glassful in the morning, ice-cold water later and / or a cup of hot water with lemon in the evening.
- Fill (and refill) a bottle or glass of water and keep it with you. Use the container size that appeals to you the most. Some people like to have a huge mug next to them, but that can intimidate others.
- Drink your favorite beverages (milk/ milk alternatives, fruit and vegetable juices, flavored or sparkling waters, tea, coffee, sports drinks). Just be mindful about added sugars!
- Eat foods high in fluid content (soups, fruits and vegetables, low sugar jello, smoothies, low sugar popsicles, etc.)
- Infuse your water with slices of fresh fruit, cucumber, or a squeeze of fruit juice (like lemons, limes, and grapefruits)
Stay Away from Salt, Alcohol and Excess Sugar and Protein
- Salt (sodium) holds onto the water, so you don't get to use it –so avoid salty snacks, canned soups, deli, and frozen dinners
- Alcohol dries out the cells, so avoid it or alternate with extra fluid
- Excess Protein and Sugar can require extra fluid to eliminate them though the kidneys
This article, as well as all others, was reviewed and edited by a member of our Medical Advisory Board.
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