The Latest and greatest treatments for IBD: What to believe
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SubscribeMarisa Crespo
For some people, taking care of their IBD is easy; they take their medicine(s), watch their diet and go on about their daily lives. For others, particularly those who are in the middle of a flare, they have to pay more attention. They note where every bathroom is, they carefully select the foods they eat and they still suffer, even when they're taking their medicines–and of course, it's worse for those who don't always remember their medicines or if they insist on smoking.
So, it is important to be MINDFUL, or, actively pay attention to your disease and its role in your life. Taking the prescribed medicine in the way they were intended, watching the diet and recognizing if and when symptoms develop, can be frustrating and annoying; but, being more proactive in working with your disease (not against it or ignoring it) will make a world of a difference in how you feel every day going forward.
Tips for being MINDFUL with your disease:
Remember you are supported, cared for, and cared about. If you practice being mindful, patient, and accepting of your disease, it will help you on the path to recovery.
This article, as well as all others, was reviewed and edited by a member of our Medical Advisory Board.
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