Current treatment for Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis includes medications that can increase the risk for developing infections. The medicines include:

Importance of Getting Routine Vaccines

The most common infections are upper respiratory infections or an abscess related to IBD. Some of the upper respiratory infections and others could be prevented by vaccinations:

  • Flu (influenza) vaccine
  • Pneumococcal 
  • Meningococcal
  • Hepatitis B 

It is also important to know that once adults begin on those immune-acting drugs, they do not get as much protection when they do get their shots

Live Vaccines Are Not Safe for Those on Immune-Acting Drugs

Also, some vaccines contain live viruses. These should not be given to children or adults on one of the medicines that affect the immune system, because they may be at risk of developing an infection from the vaccine. These include

  • Live flu (influenza) vaccines (FluMist)
  • Measles, mumps, rubella
  • Herpes zoster (shingles)
  • Varicella (chicken pox)   

So it's important to make sure your vaccines are up to date before stating treatment.

Babies of Mothers on Anti-TNFs and Immune Suppressants

It is also possible that babies of pregnant women getting one of the immune-active medicines can have a lower immune system for a little while after birth. As a result, it is best to discuss the medicine you are on with your baby's doctor before the baby is given Rotavirus vaccine. The other vaccines that babies receive are just as safe as they are for other healthy babies.

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